Saturday, January 29, 2011

Body Confusion. My weekend experiment.

I read a couple of articles about body confusion and how it can help you lose weight.  so this weekend I am doing a modified fasting of sorts.  High protein, no carbs and no fat. Two days. Burn every calorie consumed.  Net calories for saturday and sunday needs to be as close to zero as possible. The idea is to shock and clense the body.  Then on Monday I will be eating a high carb high fat diet for two days before going back to normal protein, carb, fat diet. This will continue till next weekend when I rinse and repeat next weekend.  Wish me luck. I dont think its going to be easy.

Saturday morning workouts completed. Almost 1000 calories burned away. Now time to work on the garage and burn some more calories today.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

week 3 POWER 90

So, last week was hard. I had a hard time getting out of bed, I had a hard time doing the workouts, I had a hard time not eating. I ate to much crap Friday through Sunday.  Monday came and day 15 of Power 90 was to begin. However I had no trouble getting out of bed, no trouble doing the workouts, in fact thought I could start doing more!  Day 17 - I left it all on the mat this morning. Gave every routine everything I had. It hurt so much!  But about halfway through, I felt this almost euphoric overwhelming desire to push.  Push I did, gave it everything I had.  Two hours later I am feeling great! I can climb a mountain, get in the ring with a boxer, mma, whatever comes my way.  I am getting STRONGER!  I haven't felt this way in 17 years and remember now why I did it.  If I feel this way everyday the rest of my life its going to be the best life ever!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

18 pounds and counting

Week 1 of doing Power 90 from Beachbody and loving it!  Started taking my supplements and now can really FEEL the difference.  Every day I seem to have more energy, more strength, and more drive to get outside and get things done.  No more mopeing around the house. No more being a couch potato.  No more watching life pass by.  Every day seems to bring a happier more vibrant me and I cant wait to see more results.  Its shocking to feel like this, So much energy and happiness is surreal. I have lost three inch's of my waistline and a full inch off my neck.  WOW what a difference in the clothes I am wearing.  Clothes that were getting tight are now loose.  Dress shirts that pulled at the neck are now loose at the neck.  I had someone comment the other day that it looked like I was wearing a parachute at work.  LOL.  This feels absolutely AMAZING!  I have to thank everyone that has been giving me daily support.  My wife Emily, my kids, my best friends, my coworkers, and all the friends I have made using Lose It!  My goal weight was supposed to be achieved by September 23 2011.  I have worked really hard and currently it says I should reach 180 lbs by August 8th 2011.  If I can make that day It will have been 17 years since I was that weight.  I am determined,  I am focused.  I got this.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

POWER 90!!!!!

So, I started Power 90 from Beachbody yesterday. All I can say is WOW! Awesome program, short burst interval training and then strength training alternating days for 6 days a week. Day 2, I am sore all over my body and it was a struggle to get out of bed to do it.  However, during my shower I found this urge to want to go run, bike, or even climb a frickin' mountain.  It is amazing how my body wants to do more.  I am still in the opening days of working out and I am already thinking about tomorrow's workout and can't wait for it to get here. Its going to kick my ass and I am going to be sore for at least this week. It is all going to be worth it in the end. I want to be here for my kids and grand kids someday. The time is now, to save me from death and allow me to enjoy the rest of my still long long life.