Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Almost through the holidays

So, work parties, social parties, Christmas parties, birthdays, and the New Year are all almost over. I thought I was going to gain everything I have lost so far. However I am doing well and still losing weight. My new scale came in and it is really a nice and accurate. Easy to use. Anyone else that is struggling at this time remember to stay focused and stay strong.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New equipment

So I made a big plunge today and ordered some equipment.  I tried a couple of yoga video's using my On Demand service from my cable company. Found I needed a strap (I'm not flexible enough yet), a block (also cause I'm not flexible enough yet),  a mat (cause im playing slip and slide on the floor), a heart rate monitor, and a good scale. I also purchased and extra mat and strap in purple for my spouse Emily, along with a heart rate monitor. I'm looking forward to using my new equipment when it arrives. Should be here in time for the new year!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My brain says yes you can while my body is laughing at me.

So, I have been doing this for four days. Yeah yeah I know still early. But, I already have strained my ankle. When I went for my first run I don't think I should have gone in those old tennis shoes I have had for over a year. No support at all, not to mention 80+ extra pounds coming down on them. So now I am going to have to heal the ankle. In the mean time I am clearing the way to my elliptical. Until I lose a lot more weight and can afford a new pair of shoes I am going to have to hold off on the actual running. It saddens me cause I felt exhilarated after the run and felt great all day afterwards. The elliptical will have to do for now.

Almost over my cold, I actually believe the change in what I eat and exercise has made me feel better and get over this cold faster than any other.  This to me is most important as I want to limit how often I have been getting sick. This year alone I was sick with some sort of cold every month of the year and sometimes twice. I am done with that as well and think this will help with that.

The online / itunes Loseit (www.loseit.com) application is a great help. I did not want to track my calories everyday by hand in a journal. This application puts it all in a nice and neat format. It is very user friendly.  The forums are very good and full of great information from people all over. The social network is integrated well but could be better. Anyone thinking of losing weight should do themselves a favor and at least look at it. If you are in good shape but can not seem to get rid of that last bit this program has a way of helping for that as well, by giving you the daily allowances you need to eat in order for your body to function properly and not go into some kind of starvation mode.

My sugar addiction is still there but well under control now on day four.  I thought this would be the hardest part.  Not so much.  I know I am going to beat this addiction and getting it done. :-) The hardest part so far is exercising. I am so far out of shape its ridiculous. I thought all the conditioning I did when I was a teenager would just KICK IN sort of speak, yeah not so much. Light exercise is hard now, I cant even begin to think what Power 90 and then P90x/P90x+ is going to be like. I know now that I really need to shed some weight so as not to injure myself during these workouts. Its almost like a bad dichotomy. My brain says yes you can, and my body is laughing at me.

Tomorrow is weight in day and  picture day.  I wanted to take before pictures and forgot. Its early enough that it should still be a great influence and motivator for me. I am also going to measure all the different parts of my body to keep track of on a spreadsheet. The goal is still the same, feel great, look great, and be here for my family as long as I can.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


So, this morning I went for a 15 min run, and felt pretty good afterwards, however after my drive to work I am sore as hell!  It occurs to me though if this is the only kind of pain I am going to have to deal with to get back into shape once and for all then its cake!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Weightloss goals

In setting goals for weight loss I do not want to be to aggressive so the plan is to go on a cruise in Nov of 2012 and by that time I would like to have a low BMI. To get there I am going to go through a couple of different stages of workouts, supplements, blood sugar testing, meal management/replacement, and I am going to be changing this routine every three or so months to keep my body from the dreaded plateau I have seen many times in my life.

For about 8 months or so now I have done my best to study different diets, programs, gyms, etc. I wanted to come up with a game plan that would work for me, not what worked for someone else. I found a few things out about myself.  I have a very addictive personality, with that comes an huge addiction to sugar and caffeine. After realizing what all that sugar has been doing to my body over the past 30+ years I know that I must control it.  It was a contributing factor to the death of many people in my family. I would like to live long enough to see my grandchildren graduate from college.  So begins the challenge. HOW DO YOU GET OFF OF THE SUGAR DEPENDENCY?  Well, the only way I have found is to stop eating bad sugars and start eating good sugars.  So, I am going to just suck it up and deal with it.  Also, I must try to limit the amount of foreign unnatural chemicals from my body.

First 30 days:

Goal 1) get off my sugar addiction (NO MORE SODA)
Goal 2) workout 6 days a week 30 min a day alternating routines: core yoga, strength/cardio, and modified kick boxing
Goal 3) drink 8-10 glasses of water a day

Wish me luck as I set off on a new journey.

My first workout in 6+ years

I have had a cold for the past few days and have had a hard time sleeping, as such I have been going to bed really early. Last night I woke up around 3am, while watching a movie through on demand I saw a channel called exercise TV.  I had been talking with the wife for several weeks now about getting in shape and losing all the baby weight we both put on, I was big before but she was not. I watched one program and decided that I could do that instead of sitting on my fat ass watching a movie. I started the show over and started to work out with Jillian Michaels on my TV.  I found out that I am really out of shape, overweight, and hating every bit of it.  Day 1 of the rest of my life starts today.