Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Weightloss goals

In setting goals for weight loss I do not want to be to aggressive so the plan is to go on a cruise in Nov of 2012 and by that time I would like to have a low BMI. To get there I am going to go through a couple of different stages of workouts, supplements, blood sugar testing, meal management/replacement, and I am going to be changing this routine every three or so months to keep my body from the dreaded plateau I have seen many times in my life.

For about 8 months or so now I have done my best to study different diets, programs, gyms, etc. I wanted to come up with a game plan that would work for me, not what worked for someone else. I found a few things out about myself.  I have a very addictive personality, with that comes an huge addiction to sugar and caffeine. After realizing what all that sugar has been doing to my body over the past 30+ years I know that I must control it.  It was a contributing factor to the death of many people in my family. I would like to live long enough to see my grandchildren graduate from college.  So begins the challenge. HOW DO YOU GET OFF OF THE SUGAR DEPENDENCY?  Well, the only way I have found is to stop eating bad sugars and start eating good sugars.  So, I am going to just suck it up and deal with it.  Also, I must try to limit the amount of foreign unnatural chemicals from my body.

First 30 days:

Goal 1) get off my sugar addiction (NO MORE SODA)
Goal 2) workout 6 days a week 30 min a day alternating routines: core yoga, strength/cardio, and modified kick boxing
Goal 3) drink 8-10 glasses of water a day

Wish me luck as I set off on a new journey.


  1. Good luck, I am hitting the long road to weight loss soon as well.

    Its free and awesome
    Good luck!
